Monday, April 18, 2005

We keep you alive to serve this computer. Code well and live.

I've been a slave to my computer for the last two days. It has not been an enjoyable experience.

I've fallen into a very strange sleep pattern, going to bed when the sun rises and waking up past noon. It came to a head yesterday afternoon when Pax came over to take me to a movie and found me in bed asleep with a headache. She very kindly patted me on the head and pointed out that if I went out with her, I'd fall asleep during the movie we'd planned to see. Thank you very much for your forbearance!

Thanks to the kindly house call, I managed to catch another couple of hours sleep during the day but couldn't catch a wink all night. However, I have been making good use of my time (maybe) and have finally finished my Animé Music Video. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to post it, link it, or in any other way display it. If some one who actually knows a darn thing about this computer business can give me a hand, I might be able to get it up at some point. Otherwise, unless some people feel like getting some massive fecking e-mails, my questionable brilliance will remain hidden. *grin*

I've discovered that it takes me about an hour to write a one and a quarter page blog post, four hours to write fanfiction of equivalent length, and it took me two and a half hours to create a four and a half minute music video. I can see a law of exponential increase occurring here...

Oh well. At least I'll have something to show at slash con! Not sure how slashy it is though. Hard to achieve when you're working with Fruit's Basket and all the people are anti-hug because they turn into animals when they embrace a member of the opposite sex... Obviously, the ideal solution is to fall in love with someone of the same gender, unless your sexual preferences happen to run that way, of course!

And no, I did not use Shigure and Ayame as my pairing! They're far to easy!


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